Blog, Hair Growth

5 Necessary Lifestyle Changes to Avoid Scaly Scalp

dandruff scalp

Having a clear head and luscious hair is surely a dream for anyone. And few individuals have manifested it successfully. Suffering from a flaky and scaly scalp is the worst situation you can have. Sometimes, you cannot control your hands from itching scaly scalp in public. Embarrassing, right?

Well, it is not only about genetics for hair problems. Few of us are most likely to catch dandruff easily and oily heads as well. Despite this condition, they can possibly avoid the scaly scalp and dandruff problems through lifestyle changes. 

Only a few people are living their lives with dream hair. But everyone deserves the best, including you. So, this blog discusses five proven lifestyle changes to avoid the scaly scalp that transformed the hair care journey for several people.

Reason for Scaly scalpa man thinking reason for scaly scalp

The scalp is like any other skin of our body. The only difference is that the scalp is rigid,  and has higher hair density than other areas. Because of this coverage, the head region looks darker. This makes our scalp catch infections quickly through nails, fingers, or a comb.

This is a common reason for a scaly scalp. There are still two more reasons—internal and external factors—that trigger our scalp. Checkout our previous article to know more about this 

Men have weaker scalps compared to women. Thus, the chances of getting a scaly scalp for men are also high. Our transformation from monkey to man gave utmost prominence to our brain. Hence, to protect it, the hair on the head did not fade away over time.

Five Proven Lifestyle Changes to Avoid Scaly Scalp

lifestyle changes to avoid flakes

No men or women in the world got clean scalps overnight. All they did was stay consistent with a few changes in the long run. These changes are very minimal but transformed their lives into a whole lot better—in terms of health. 

James Clear, the author of the book Atomic Habits, was a failure man. He wanted to progress in his life. All he did was to change minute things in his life, like following a sleep routine, practising gratitude, and 7 minutes of daily meditation. These tiny alterations made his life into something meaningful. In one year, he saw himself in a better position—his mental health improved a lot and he had a peaceful mind.

By listening to this author’s journey, one thing is clear. Nothing comes easy. But putting minimal effort into a few little things repeatedly is an easy task and it gives an explosive change. 

The below-mentioned lifestyle changes are similar to the actions that James Clear once did. But, they can give you the desired outcome—a clean, moisturised, healthier, and stronger scalp.

Let us dive into them one by one.

Regular Oilingregular oiling helps prevent dandruff

Sometimes, what our ancestors told us might be true. Our desi parents advise us to keep oil overhead at least once a week. We might be too hesitant about the look it gives—the greasy appearance—so uncomfortable!

If you are someone who does not oil the head, not even once a week, chances are this is the exact cause. When our head becomes dry, the hair cells start producing flakes—the dandruff. To fight this response, we must oil often. Oiling will help us seal the moisture on our heads, preventing constant dryness. 

For oily heads, use lightweight oils like jojoba oil, almond oil and argan oil. For Normal to dry heads, coconut oil is best. For best results, use a shower cap or warm towel after oiling. Just wearing a shower cap for 10 minutes will help your scalp observe oil nutrients well.

Also Read: Top 5 Causes of Hair Loss with Solutions to Prevent It

Use Gentle Products 

a list of gentle hair products for healthy hair

People who use heavy hair products—shampoos and conditioners—are more likely to get a dry scalp. The heavy shampoos have an intense cleansing effect, thus wiping out all your natural oils. The term ‘Heavy’ here indicates the products which have artificial colours, create a lot of foam and often have a perfume smell. It is better to avoid such products for a healthy scalp.

Though you buy any gentle shampoo, you should not overuse it. Overwashing also results in a dry scalp. Try to wash according to your scalp needs. Weekly twice is suggestible. Remember, too much of anything is good for nothing!

Paraben-free! Sulphate-free! Yes, the awareness is right. Products found with sulphates and paraben often cause hair damage and dry scalps. Look for natural and organic shampoos and conditioners or maybe shampoos without harmful chemicals.

Also Read: Know These Before Buying an Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

Use Hair packs

aloe vera on the hand

People often mistake that regular washing and oiling is more than enough to get rid of a scaly scalp. This is so untrue. Oiling is one kind of support to lock moisture in your head. But it is not the only solution. 

Choosing which hair pack works right for you is a necessary fix. Celebrities and hair enthusiasts use hair packs regularly. This is the secret behind their shiny, clear and luscious hair.

You can either go for homemade hair packs using a few homemade ingredients like onions, fenugreek seeds and hibiscus. Onions help to clear out the flakes. Fenugreek, aloe vera and hibiscus offer extra hydration to your scalp and hair. 

You can learn how to craft a hair pack on your own from our previous article 8 Best Home Ingredients for Hair Loss - Cost Effective Treatment.

Drink Plenty of Water

refilling the water, drink more water to get heal and healthy hair

Do you know that humans can survive for several weeks without eating food, but can die within a week if they do not drink water?  

Because our body consists of 80% water. We need to consume at least 4 litres of water to keep the body running. The point here is not to exaggerate the importance and existence of water in human life, but the fact that dehydration would be a disaster for us.

Most of us have dry skin and dry hair because of a lack of water in the body. Water plays a primary role in healthy hair strands and glowing skin. Top Actress and Actors achieve healthy skin and head by drinking at least 3 litres of water every day.

Healthy Diet

healthy diet is necessary to cotrol hair loss

There is a Portuguese proverb that goes like “Eat to live, not live to eat” Everyone has the urge to eat whatever comes into their mind. Unfortunately, this practice does not give one a sound body. Whatever might it be. Lack of deficiency is one of the major root causes of any health problems. Look if you are including it in your meals. If not, eat them regularly.

  • Green Leafy vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Millets and lentils
  • Protein-rich foods
  • High Pigmented fruits

Frequent intake of these foods offers strong immunity—hence, avoids most diseases, including fungal infections, and improves overall body functioning. 

Check our previous blog Debunking the Common Myths about Hair Loss for more information. We are actively writing more useful blogs on haircare. Check out our previous blogs and transform your life.!

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