Blog, Hairloss

8 Best Home Ingredients for Hair Loss

hair loss home treatment - before and after, difference

You are reading this because you care about the dense hair that was once yours. Now that is gone and ended up here typing the “How to get rid of hair fall” question. If we are right, there is something you need to know about a few existing natural remedies that stand as hair fall solution at home. It is not the expensive hair products that will keep your hair solid. Even without spending a rupee, thousands have benefited by using these 8 magical home ingredients for hair loss and hair thinning. Though common, they are effective when used regularly and very easy to practice.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the best home remedies for hair fall that comes first to our mind. Being told by our ancestors, it is true that coconut oil indeed has a magical power to treat hair fall. Because of its anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, coconut oil could merely demolish any kind of body problem - persistent hair loss is one of those. 

# Simple Coconut Oil Remedy for Hair Fall

Step 1: Take pure organic coconut oil in a cup and heat it 

Step 2: Comb the hair, make parts, and massage coconut oil on the scalp gently with your fingers for at least 10 minutes 

Step 3: For better results, take a hot towel (a towel dipped in hot water), wrap it on your head for 20 minutes, and wash it off immediately.

Fenugreek Seeds

The fenugreek seeds, being a prime source of protein, are very useful for hair fall. Studies claim that it helps in treating baldness, hair thinning, preserving natural colour and hair fall. It has a compound called Lecithin which helps in hair strengthening and moisturization. Not only does fenugreek help in preventing hair fall but also keeps the dandruff and lice away. Fenugreek is a top remedy to treat persistent hair fall. 

Drinking fenugreek water will promote hair growth, improve hair volume and keep hair problems at bay. Fenugreek leaves paste helps hair grow, keeps hair silky and also cures dandruff.

# Simple Fenugreek Remedy to Stop Hair Loss

Step 1: Take a handful of fresh fenugreek seeds and fenugreek leaves

Step 2: Blend both into a fine paste

Step 3: To prevent dryness, add 2 teaspoons of coconut oil in it and use it as a hair pack

Curry leaves for Hair fall Reduction

Curry leaves are an exceptional ingredient used in Indian cuisines for aromatic, flavourful and delicious meals. By surpassing this mere line, curry leaves also work as an effective home remedy in treating hair fall. Curry leaves are useful for hair because they are rich in beta-carotene and protein content, which are instrumental in preventing hair loss and hair thinning. Proteins are necessary for hair loss because hairs are made up of proteins and it is vital for hair development too. 

Apart from being the storehouse of proteins, curry leaves possess amino acids that strengthen hair fibre and carry antioxidants which work wonders in giving one long, shiny and healthy hair. Various studies declare that curry leaves can treat damaged hair, treat dandruff, and act as a natural aid for the premature greying of hair.

Ayurveda mentions curry leaves as Girinimba or Krishnanimba, named after Lord Krishna, the God of Protection, in several ancient scriptures. Being called “Sweet neem leaves”, curry leaves are the best natural home remedy to stop excessive hair fall.

#Simple Curry Leaves Remedy for Hair Growth

Step1: Soak curry leaves and fenugreek seeds in water for at least 12hrs

Step 2: Take the soaked leaves and fenugreek seeds along with the water and grind them into a fine paste 

Step 3: Mix coconut oil or any other oil with it. Mix and apply on your scalp, roots ends and hairs for 30mins.

Step 4: Shower it with a mild shampoo of your choice

Onion to Control Hair Fall

Onion can make you cry and keep you happy as well with its wondrous job of growing luscious hair. Cysteine, found in onion, is one of the 22 amino acids that our body needs to produce protein, which is essential for hair growth. Onions certainly possess some properties that will help Androgenic Alopecia (AGA) - (a condition, hair fall that occurs after the age of 40) individuals. If you are an active social media individual, you might as well have seen hair care products that contain onion in any form, which proves again that onion is a fantastic hair fall treatment.

#Simple Onion Remedy for Fast Hair Growth

Step 1: Take a handful of onions (small onions preferably)

Step 2: Grind them into a fine paste

Step 3: Filter it and transfer its juice to a spray bottle

Step 4: Make parts and apply on the hair equally

Step 5: Massage gently with fingers (avoid nail contact) for 10mins, 

Step 6: Wait for 30mins and wash with mild shampoo right away (remember, consistency is the key)

Hibiscus to Prevent Hair Loss

Because of its vibrant colour, hibiscus is pleasant to everyone’s eyes and is an edible flower, as it contains vitamin C. since it possesses flavonoids and tannins which trigger hair growth. Researchers have declared that hibiscus can cure ageing baldness over the time of use. It is a super massager on its own as it stimulates the blood circulation on the scalp and triggers keratin production for healthy hair growth. Try to pick fresh hibiscus flowers for effective hair growth. You can also make hibiscus serum at home by following these guidelines.

#Simple Hibiscus Remedy for Hair Reduction

Step 1: Get at least 15 fresh hibiscus flowers and remove the pollens

Step 2: put it into boiling water and keep at medium flame for 15 mins

Step 3: wait until the water turns out to be orange or reddish colour and let it cool for a few mins

Step 4: Filter the hibiscus water, then transfer to a clean spray bottle and use the serum at least weekly thrice 

Neem Leaves

Yes, neem is one of the best hair fall home remedies you can find. Since ancient days, people have regarded neem as an effective solution for hair loss problems and a cost-effective remedy for healing wounds. So, don't worry if you are suffering from scalp itching wounds from dandruff, neem will resolve it for you. Because of its powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial effects, neem alone could sort out any kind of body problem. Either you can buy neem oil in the market or DIY neem serum by doing these steps.

#Simple Neem Remedy for Effective Hair Growth

Step 1: grab a bunch of neem leaves and boil it in the water for 20mins

Step 2: wait until the water becomes dark yellow or dull yellowish colour 

Step 3: let it cool. Transfer it into a bottle and use it for 2 weeks. 

(Do not store homemade hair serums for more than 2 weeks as their nature can change.)


Amla, also called “Indian gooseberry, can do wonders for you in preventing extreme hair fall and promoting natural hair growth. Filled with numerous vitamins and minerals, amla is a one-go ingredient that is suitable for all ages. Ayurveda says amla can reduce the heat of your body, which could be another unknown reason for hair problems. So, if you are someone who has such a type of body, amla induces a cooling effect and eventually helps in reducing hair falls immediately. You can either take amla juice first in the morning or make that juice used as one of the best hair fall home remedies by following the steps.

#Simple Amla Remedy to Get Rid of Hair Fall

Step 1: Take 2-3 amlas and juice them

Step 2: Mix the juice with a small cup of water along with 2 teaspoons of coconut oil

Step 3: Transfer it to the spray bottle and spray equally all over the head

Craft Your Own Effective Homemade Hair Growth Remedy

Now you know these home ingredients for hair loss, you can either use them as simple remedies by applying them one by one on different days or combine all these ingredients and make a power-packed hair fall remedy and use regularly right away at home by following the steps. We offer some best possible variations for specific needs. Hope it serves your seek.

Hair Pack For Hair Fall and Dandruff 

Targeted ingredients: Coconut Oil, Fenugreek Seeds, Onion and Neem Leaves

Step 1: Soak fenugreek seeds and neem leaves in water for overnight

Step 2: Put the soaked fenugreek seeds and neem leaves along with their water in the mixer

Step 3: Put 3-4 small onions in the mixer jar and grind them into a fine paste

Step 4: Pour some coconut oil into the outcome paste, apply it all over your head and aim for root ends too. (Repeat this process weekly twice and see the visible difference within two weeks )

Checkout: 10 Everyday Ingredients for Dandruff Treatment at Home - make a difference in your hair!

Hair Spray for Dry Hair and Hair Loss

What You Need: Hibiscus, Fenugreek Seeds, Amla, Coconut oil

Step 1: Soak fenugreek seeds overnight 

Step 2: Pick at least 10 fresh hibiscus, put 3 - 4 amlas along with it in the mixer and grind it

Step 3: Filter the juice and add 2 teaspoons of coconut oil 

Step 4: Mix well and use it as a hair spray for 30mins before wash

Home Remedy for Hair Density

Things Required: Hibiscus leaves, small onions, coconut oil

Step 1: Grind small onions and hibiscus leaves into a smooth paste

Step 2: Take the paste and mix coconut oil or any other oil of your preferences

Step 3: Apply on your head and root ends and set it for a minimum of 30 minutes

Step 4: Wash it with a mild shampoo

Also Read: Best Anti-Dandruff Shampoo to Pick: Full Guidelines to know more insights.

Remedy to Stop Hair Fall Immediately

You need: Onions, Fenugreek Seeds, Curry Leaves, Rosemary Oil

Step 1: Soak a handful of fenugreek seeds and curry leaves in water overnight

Step 2: grind fenugreek seeds, curry leaves (soaked ones along with water) and onions into a thin paste

Step 3: Transfer the paste to a bowl and mix 2 teaspoons of rosemary oil (works similar to coconut oil and is best in inducing hair growth)

Tips and Best Practises to Remember

Though you practice these home remedies for hair fall and other hair problems, you are not helping your hair if you are doing things wrong. So, keep track of yourself in finding best practices for fast results! Make a note of the following tips and tricks for hair growth.

  1. Always remove hair tangles before hair washing or apply any hair remedies. This will keep your hair from getting more tangles that are difficult to help and might end up in hair fall.
  2. When removing tangles, always do it from downwards to upwards. This is the correct way of removing tangles.
  3. Use Conditioners after each wash to keep your hair from dryness
  4. Do braid after oiling your hair. When you oil the hair, it might easily come off as the scalp moistens, and the hair becomes sticky. 
  5. Try to change your pillow cover often (weekly once is preferable)
  6. Wear softer hair bands like scrunchies to avoid unnecessary hair falls.
  7. When oiling, use your fingers to massage and not your nails. Massage for at least 5 mins.
  8. Use an inverted head position and massage to increase hair blood flow.
  9. Try to change your diet before thinking of hair supplements. Stay healed and healthy!
  10. Heat the coconut oil before applying, as it will help infuse your scalp well.
  11. Do not beat up your hair with a cloth to dry them. Desi parents used to do this as an ancient method. But this is wrong as it will make hair weaker.
  12. Always use a mild shampoo (link) and use it according to your hair needs (weekly twice for normal scalp and thrice for oily scalp)

If you still find persistent hair fall even after following the tips and applying the remedies, better buy any best hair growth serums. For more haircare and skincare tips, read our blogs and enjoy buying top-brand products from mrmard.

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