Blog, Hair Growth

How to Grow a Beard Naturally?

Bearded Men , grow beard easily at home

Everyone desires a well-groomed, neatly trimmed and sturdy beard. Unfortunately, only a few can grow it successfully. The reason behind this might be many—from poor maintenance, and a half-plate diet to genetics—everyone has something. 

For grooming enthusiasts, it is easy to grow their beard with ease. They know what to do. But the question here is, what is the reason behind your beardless chin or lesser mane? Are you doing something that should not be done? Is it only genetics that play the beard part or something's left to improve? 

This blog discusses everything you need to know—from why you should have a beard to how to grow them naturally. Plus, we have also pulled topics like do’s and don’ts in beard grooming and, if beard supplements are necessary.

Let's dive in.

Why should I have a beard?

a deep thought beard man sitting

Wait a second, if it is true that not every face suits a beard look and some might appear better off without a beard, why should I consider even maintaining it? What if I look better this way? You might ask.

Yes, you pitched right buddy. Not all men with a long beard are hot and men without it are average. It depends on the facial structure. Let us discuss that later. For now, the reason behind why one should have a beard has few scientific answers.

Power up the Masculinity 


Number one “Beard is the symbol of Masculinity” there is scientific evidence that girls find guys with beards more masculine. Hold on, it is not the opposite for those who don't have, but yes, women find those guys very attractive. 

This is probably because of the link between beard and testosterone. High testosterone means having a long and healthy beard. Biology speaks!

Look, we get you are not to impress anyone. What if I say that wearing a beard can make you look younger and slimmer?

Elevate your Facial Structure

sharp jawline structure and light beard trimmed beard

You may have witnessed people's faces once looked slimmer and now appear a bit puffy without it. This is just the beard that acts as your face fat natural coverage, igniting a slim look by improving the jawline appearance.

Moreover, you can mask those ugly wrinkles that reside on your face. It is just like wearing an overcoat upon a thinner shirt — the layering effect — nobody cares what's inside, people just scan the outside look.

Now, we understand the importance of having a beard to increase our overall look. Are there some health benefits to maintaining a beard? The answer is “yes”.

Protects your Chin in the Winter

snowflakes sticking on cheeks

We are just like any other mammal or animal. A close relative of chimpanzees and bonobos, right? The very reason animals have a lot of fur on the first hand is to protect themselves under harsh weather—Cold or hot—a polar bear will die out of shivering in winter if it were a hairless creature and a camel in the desert.

Similarly, humans, having developed from monkeys, have had fur once. It just vanished over the years. The man has to play a major part in heavy labour work (remember; we were hunters and gatherers at one point). Hence, the skin demands protection under extreme weather. This is one of the possible reasons why men have beards while women do not. Again, a biological explanation. 

Boosts up your confidence 

beard grown men are confident than others

The fourth reason you should consider having a beard is it can level up your confidence among other men. Just feel the alpha male vibes! Certain studies claim that a beard helps out having real one-on-one connections with other men. 

A lot of men recognised for Braveheart actually had a long-grown beard—especially in Asian countries, including India. Men used to show their potential through a full beard look.

It was natural. It is natural. 

Read: Minimalist Fashion Trends: What You Need to Know 

Outperform your Look

how beard can actually change your look, disguise yourself by grooming well

A man named Lupin disguised himself as escaping from the police just by altering his beard shapes, and moustache and, with the help of some additional accessories. 

Though it is a fictional character, the point here is true. Change your beard and change others' perspective on you. It is like being born every time with a new version of yourself. The bad guy looks and the good guy looks – Beard is a game changer!

Before getting into the real subject, we want you to know the factors that stop the beard from growing – things which are out of your hands.

Causes of no Beard growth

a boy's deep thought

To keep it short, we have stated a few possible causes why your beard does not grow. You should consider these, and see whether you are doing it or think of having it.

  • Poor diet
  • Genetics
  • Stress
  • Alopecia 
  • Low testosterone 

If you think these might be the reason for being beardless, it means you might be experiencing health concerns such as poor diet and stress, which is not a big part.

But you should consult a doctor for factors like genetics, alopecia and low testosterone levels. We suggest you identify the cause first-hand and move to the solution. Skipping this process might lead to unfavourable outcomes.

Proven Ways to Grow Your Beard Naturally

1. Proper Skin Care for Beard Growth

proper skincare is healthy

Believe it or not, healthy skin leads to a healthy beard. Taking care of your skin sets the foundation for strong facial hair growth. Here’s how you can maintain proper skin care to promote beard growth.

Exfoliation and cleansing

Dead skin cells can clog your pores, preventing hair from growing as it should. Regularly exfoliating your face with a gentle scrub removes dirt and dead skin, ensuring your hair follicles are clear. Follow up with a facial cleanser to keep the skin fresh.

Moisturising Your Face

A dry face is not favourable to beard growth. Keeping your skin moisturised encourages healthy follicles because our body contains up to 80% water. Hence, hair too. Using a natural moisturiser or beard oil that contains essential oils like jojoba or argan oil can provide the hydration your skin needs while nourishing your beard hair.

Benefits of Beard Oil

Beard oil is more than just a grooming product—it’s essential for growth. Beard oils contain ingredients that moisturise both the skin and the hair. Look for oils with ingredients like eucalyptus, argan, or jojoba oil for optimal results.

2. A Balanced Diet for Healthy Beard Growth

balanced diet to increase beard size

What you eat affects more than just your waistline—it also affects your beard! A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help foster healthier and quicker beard growth.

Protein-Rich Foods

Keratin is the protein that makes up hair. Eating protein-rich foods like chicken, eggs, and fish will give your body the building blocks it needs to produce more facial hair.

Vitamins and Minerals Essential for Beard Growth

Vitamin D

This vitamin plays a crucial role in the development of hair follicles. Spending time in the sun or taking a vitamin D supplement could enhance beard growth.

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Biotin is a common link to hair growth. It strengthens hair and nails, helping your beard grow thicker and healthier. Foods like nuts, seeds, and sweet potatoes are rich in biotin.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These fatty acids help maintain healthy hair by nourishing the hair follicles. Foods like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds contain high levels of omega-3s.

3. Importance of Exercise and Blood Circulation

running helps in hair growth

Exercise is not only great for overall health but also for beard growth. It stimulates the production of testosterone, which is crucial for hair growth.

How Exercise Boosts Testosterone

Strength training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are particularly good at boosting testosterone levels. The more testosterone your body produces, the better your chances of growing a thick beard.

The Role of Blood Circulation in Beard Growth

Exercise also promotes better blood circulation. Good circulation ensures that nutrients get to your hair follicles more efficiently, helping your beard grow faster and healthier. You can also use the inverted yoga position to increase blood flow towards your head. But remember. Always have a companion to help you to do such poses.

4. Sleep and Stress Management

sleep promotes healthy and perfect beard

Sleep and stress play a critical role in beard growth. When you're stressed or sleep-deprived, your body produces more cortisol, a hormone that hinders testosterone production.

Also Read: How Stress Affects Your Hair and What You Should Do

How Lack of Sleep Affects Beard Growth

Sleep is an essential mantra for hormone regulation. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night to support natural beard growth. It is not that you can sleep at 2. a.m and wake up at 11. This routine is a poor sleep routine, as it can affect melatonin release. Well, what is melatonin? The hormone which regulates your sleep. Try an early sleep and makeup routine. 

Reducing Stress for Better Facial Hair

There is no one without stress. It has become a part of our life. Though it is unavoidable, a few stress management techniques like meditation, yoga, or simply taking time for yourself can help reduce cortisol (stress-causing hormone) levels. This promotes a better environment for beard growth.

5. Natural Home Remedies for Beard Growth

coconut oil for beard

Similar to how certain ingredients help your hair grow faster, several natural ingredients can help stimulate beard growth. Here are a few remedies you can try at home:

Coconut Oil for Beard Growth

People know coconut oil for its moisturizing properties and its ability to penetrate hair follicles, which promotes stronger and healthier hair.

Amla Oil

Amla oil, made from Indian gooseberries, is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which boost collagen production and beard growth.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is soothing to the skin and promotes the growth of healthy facial hair by keeping your skin hydrated and irritation-free.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil can help stimulate beard growth by improving blood circulation around the hair follicles.

Also Read: Dandruff Treatment at Home Using 10 Everday Ingredients

Avoid Shaving Myths

You’ve probably heard the old wives' tale that shaving makes your beard grow faster and thicker. Unfortunately, this is just a myth. Shaving doesn't impact how fast your beard grows; it only gives the illusion of thickness because the hair starts off blunt.

Beard Growth Supplements

a handful of beard growth supplements, biotin

If you feel like your beard isn’t growing fast enough, you might consider taking supplements. But taking supplements alone and leaving out other steps won’t help your beard growth. Supplement is something like additional support for a desirable outcome.

Are Supplements Necessary?

While you can get most of the necessary nutrients from a balanced diet, some people choose to use supplements to boost their vitamin intake. As we said, taking supplements provides fast results.

Popular Beard Growth Supplements

There are a variety of beard supplements claiming to be the best. Biotin, vitamin D, and fish oil supplements are common choices for those looking to enhance their beard growth.

Consistency and Patience in Beard Growth

how much time for a beard to grow fully?

Growing a beard takes time, and consistency is key. Stick to your skincare, diet, and grooming routine. Don’t expect overnight results—beard growth is a slow and steady process.

The Importance of Sticking to a Routine

A well-established routine ensures that your beard receives the necessary care and nutrients it needs to grow healthily.

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

You might ask us, how long does it take the beard to grow? Well, typically, it takes about 2-6 months for most men to see significant beard growth, depending on genetics and lifestyle.

Grooming and Trimming: Do’s and Don’ts

While it might seem offbeat, trimming your beard regularly can actually help it grow stronger and healthier.

Why does Trimming Help Beard Growth?

Just like why we go to the barbershop. trimming gets rid of split ends and uneven patches, which can make your beard appear fuller. It is equally important to trim for once at a period gap of 15 days. Daily trimming is not recommended.

Choosing the Right Beard Shape

Groom your beard according to your face shape to enhance its appearance and your overall look. Some have oval shapes whereas some possess square faces. Identify your facial structure and style your beard accordingly.

Managing Patchy Beard Growth

Okay, now you have the solutions. But what about those current patches you struggling to hide right now? Don’t worry! Here are some tips to manage it:

Brush your beard daily to encourage hair growth in patchy areas. You can also try using castor oil, which has been known to promote hair growth. Certain beard fillers are coming on the market. Either you could buy it or have a natural beard look by DIY Henna Beard Pack.

Love Your Natural Beard

Sometimes, loving the natural look of your beard is the best approach. You are unique, so your beard is. Work with what you’ve got and wear it with confidence!

Hydration: Drink Plenty of Water

Lastly, don’t forget to hydrate. Drinking enough water helps maintain healthy skin and hair follicles, which are essential for beard growth.

Growing a beard naturally requires patience, proper care, and a balanced lifestyle. By focusing on your skin, diet, and general health, you can encourage healthy beard growth. Embrace the process, be patient, and enjoy the journey of growing your best beard! We are actively writing haircare series blogs. Click here to read our previous blogs for more information.


1. How long does it take to grow a full beard?

It usually takes between 2-6 months, depending on genetics and lifestyle habits.

2. What’s the best oil for natural beard growth?

Oils like jojoba, eucalyptus, and coconut oil are great for promoting healthy beard growth.

3. Does diet really affect beard growth?

Yes! A balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals is essential for healthy beard growth.

4. Can stress stop my beard from growing?

High-stress levels can lead to increased cortisol, which may inhibit beard growth.

5. Are beard growth products safe to use?

Most are safe, but it’s best to choose products with natural ingredients and consult a doctor if needed.

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