Frequently asked questions


My order hasn't arrived yet. Where is it?

You can check the order details in My Account > Orders > View order status.
If you still need more help with the tracking, please reach out to customer care at or @ +917259877269

Once it is out for delivery, An email with the tracking details along with the delivery partner details will be shared to the customer. The order shipment can be tracked using this tracking information.

Do I need to be there at the time of delivery?

If your order is a prepaid order, then you no need to be present to collect the order. We can handover the package to neighbors or friends as per your confirmation

Do you deliver orders to my location?

We will deliver the order to your doorstep if the pincode is in serviceable area. Currently we are serviciable in Bangalore only. We will soon launch in your city. Please write your interested pincode details to

What is the Return policy?

We offer 7 day’s Return Guarantee on all products shipped provided they are unused, packed, and sealed in the same condition as received. For more information, read our return policy here

What do I do if my payment is deducted but my order is not placed?

Post your purchase, you should receive an email & SMS within 24 hours. If this hasn't happened, please send an email to and we will get it resolved right away.

What do I do if I receive a damaged, wrong or expired product?

We take the utmost care while packaging to ensure that the product reaches you the way you had seen it on our website. However, due to situations beyond our control, the items delivered might get damaged in transit. We would be more than happy to replace or refund your order under such circumstances. We would request you to reach out to us @ +917259877269 and let us know about the damage along with the attached images so we can process the replacement/refund.

Are my transactions & banking details secure?

We use only trusted payment gateways for all payment providers. They have all the relevant security licences in place to ensure your transactions are always secure. All your payment details are encrypted and sent over a 256 bit secure SSL connection.Mr Mard does not store or view any of your payment information and credentials.

Is my data shared anywhere?

Your privacy is our utmost concern. We do not share your data externally. For more information, read our Privacy Policy